This document covers information about the wunderbon DNA
wunderbon is built by digital natives with a bunch of experience. Our passion is bringing the functionality known from online commerce to stationary retail. We are going to change the way of interaction between
. Join us on this journey!
We at wunderbon have built a different type of company. A company that is focused on the happiness of our customers and team, and our personal growth along this journey. Our DNA leads us in our decisions and actions. Our DNA is made of good values and based on a new digital ethic.

Our DNA is Digital ; Digital is our DNA
Here are the values that collectively guide us:
Default To Transparency
As individuals, we view transparency as a lifestyle of authenticity and honesty
As a team, we view transparency as an effective way to work remotely and establish a culture of trust
As a company, we view transparency as a tool to help others
We share early in the decision process to avoid “big revelations.”
We strive to make all communication clear and avoid making assumptions
Cultivate Positivity
We strive to approach things in a positive way while realizing all emotions are valid
We avoid non-constructive criticism of team members or customers
We assume the best of others because we may lack full context
We believe that constructive, honest feedback is an opportunity for growth
We push through any artificial harmony to work towards a better environment, product or concept
Show Gratitude
We regularly stop and demonstrate gratitude for our circumstances
We are thankful for our customers and approach customer conversations with the knowledge that it’s a privilege to serve them
We practice humility, operate as no-ego doers and do not attach our personal selves to ideas
We are grateful for the work teammates do to push the company forward
We display gratitude for the platforms, tools and open source code and communities that make our company possible and view it as our duty to give back
Practice Reflection
We believe the act of introspection is where true learning and life-changing adjustments originate
We approach discussions intentionally and think through all angles
We listen first and then listen more: seeking first to understand, then to be understood
We step back from the day-to-day and reflect on overall themes that will make an impact
We take the approach that everything is a hypothesis and we could be wrong
Improve Consistently
We are biased toward action and have a higher expectation of ourselves and of our product than others have of us
We aim to be fully engaged in our work and activities, and fully disconnected when we’re not working
We choose to be where we are the happiest and most productive
We desire to be better tomorrow than today, knowing that improvement can be found in small changes
Act Beyond Yourself
We consider the bigger picture, knowing our work goes beyond ourselves
We are not afraid of the less-traveled path if it holds true to our values and betters the world
We seek balance by taking into account multiple perspectives and listening deeply
We advocate for diverse backgrounds and perspectives to make our team and products stronger
We work to create an inclusive environment to build a better company and set a positive example for the world
We Want You!
If you want to join us on our journey become part of our great team. You will find our current job openings here.
Updated about 3 years ago
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